Teenagers often seek ways to earn extra money, whether to save for future goals, gain financial independence, or simply have some spending cash. There are numerous opportunities available, both online and offline, that cater to different skills and interests. From traditional jobs like babysitting and lawn mowing to modern gigs like social media management and blogging, teens can find a variety of ways to make money.

Key Takeaways

  • Teens can leverage their time online to earn money through activities like blogging, social media management, and online surveys.
  • Traditional jobs such as babysitting, lawn mowing, and car washing remain popular and accessible ways for teens to earn money.
  • Selling handmade crafts or used items online provides a platform for teens to turn their creativity and unused items into cash.
  • Freelancing opportunities in writing, graphic design, and programming allow teens to utilize their skills and gain valuable work experience.
  • Part-time jobs in retail and restaurants offer teens a chance to earn money while developing essential job skills and work ethics.


Babysitting is a classic way for teens to earn money. Sometimes this is as easy as watching TikTok while the parents are at dinner and their tot is asleep. Babysitting is often a relatively well-paying gig, considering that you are looking after the people most precious to their parents. Babysitting gigs typically pay hourly, and you can charge more if you have more than one kid to look after. It’s also not uncommon for parents to tip their babysitters. You may also be able to get CPR certified or take a class in childcare, either or both of which may help you earn more money.

If your teen likes being around children, they could think about becoming a babysitter. They can start by advertising on a local Facebook group or reaching out to neighbors and families they know with children to let them know that they are available for babysitting.

Nothing exudes responsibility like being the go-to trustworthy sitter for busy parents in your neighborhood. The trust part is critical. Establish a good rapport with your neighbors and you can make a solid hourly rate for looking after kids younger than you. Charging up to $20 an hour isn’t out of the question. Ask your parents to help you spread the word, make flyers or send an email to let prospective clients know you’re ready to work.

Babysitting is work that requires that the teen is responsible enough to keep another minor safe and that they can engage with children. Consider enrolling in a brief babysitting training program to gain additional preparation and qualification for the role.

Lawn Mowing

Lawn mowing is a classic way for teens to earn money, especially during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. It’s a physically demanding job that involves working long hours in hot weather and lifting heavy items for extended periods. However, for those who enjoy being outdoors and getting their hands dirty, it can be a rewarding experience.

Getting Started

To get started, teens can advertise their services by posting on community bulletins in coffee shops and grocery stores. They can also talk to classmates to determine a fair rate for their services.

Tools and Supplies

It’s important to consider the cost of supplies such as lawn bags and garden tools when setting your hourly rate. Make sure to budget for these expenses to ensure your business is profitable.

Marketing Your Services

Get creative with your advertising. Use posters, social media, or lawn signs to let people know about your services. Walking around with a rake and garden bags can also attract potential clients.

Lawn mowing can be a lucrative side job, especially for teens who are willing to put in the effort and time.

Safety Tips

Always prioritize safety. Wear appropriate clothing, use sunscreen, and stay hydrated. If you don’t have a driver’s license, avoid jobs that require driving a motor vehicle.

Car Washing

Car washing is a fantastic way for teens to earn money, especially during the warmer months. With some basic supplies like buckets, sponges, a garden hose, and car washing detergent, teens can set up a car wash either as a formal business or an impromptu roadside outfit with homemade signs. This job can be physically demanding but rewarding.

Setting Up Your Car Wash Business

To get started, gather all necessary supplies and find a good location with plenty of traffic. Advertise your services through social media or by putting up signs in your neighborhood. You can also consider offering additional services like waxing or interior cleaning to attract more customers.

Working for a Car Wash Business

Teens can also find employment at established car wash businesses. These roles might include pumping gas, dispensing oil, and washing and hand polishing cars. While these jobs can have set hours and be physically demanding, they offer a structured work environment and the opportunity to learn valuable skills.

Legal Considerations

Older teens who want to formalize their car washing business might consider setting up a limited liability company (LLC). This can provide tax and employment benefits as they transition into adulthood.

Did you know? There are over 459 teen car washer jobs available on job sites like Indeed.com. Apply to positions like car wash attendant, automotive detailer, or customer service representative to get started in this field.

Pet Sitting

a woman sitting on a window sill next to a dog

Pet sitting is an excellent way for teens to earn money, especially if they love animals. Taking care of other people’s pets when a neighbor or family friend is out of town can be a fun way to earn some extra cash. What you charge will depend on whether you’re at home, traveling to their home, and what’s involved in caring for the pet. For example, looking after a hamster may be easier than a dog or a cat.

Getting Started

To get started, you can use popular pet care websites like Wag! and Rover. With these sites, you can pet-sit, do drop-in visits, or take dogs out for walks. Care.com takes a broader approach—you can use the site to find tutoring, childcare, senior care, pet care, garden care, or more.

Setting Rates

Your rates will vary based on the type of pet and the level of care required. For instance, feeding a fish is much simpler than walking a dog. Here’s a simple table to help you set your rates:

Type of Pet Average Rate per Hour
Dog $15-$20
Cat $10-$15
Hamster $5-$10

Organizing Your Schedule

Record their feeding schedule and care preferences and organize a schedule to ensure you care for them at the right times. If you need a place to start, pet-sitting apps like Rover could help you find clients.

Pet sitting can be a rewarding job that not only helps you earn money but also allows you to spend time with animals, which can be very fulfilling.


Tutoring is an excellent way for teens to earn money while helping others. Whether it’s math, French, English, or other subjects, tutoring can keep brains sharp and assist other kids in staying on top of their schooling. Experienced tutors can easily earn $15 to $25+ per hour, or even more!

How to Get Started

  1. Ask parents in the neighborhood or teachers at local schools to help get the word out.
  2. Consider offering tutoring sessions in-home or virtually online.
  3. Use services like WizIQ, Care.com, and Cambly to connect with students who need help. Note that some platforms may require a high school diploma.

Potential Earnings

Tutoring rates can vary widely depending on the topic, age, and skill level. Here’s a quick overview:

Subject Hourly Rate
Basic Math $20 – $30
Advanced Math $30 – $50
Language Arts $25 – $40
Science $25 – $45

Benefits of Tutoring

  • Enhances your own knowledge and skills.
  • Flexible hours that can fit around your school schedule.
  • Opportunity to make a significant impact on another student’s academic success.

Tutoring can also be a great way to improve your own financial literacy and gain valuable experience in managing your time and resources effectively.

Online Tutoring

Teens can take on more students virtually without leaving their homes, making it easier to earn more money. Virtual platforms allow you to tutor students from anywhere in the world, expanding your potential client base.

Financial Education

Tutoring not only helps you earn money but also provides an opportunity to learn about financial education. Managing your earnings, setting rates, and budgeting your time are all valuable skills that will serve you well in the future.

Selling Handmade Crafts Online

Selling handmade crafts online is a fantastic way for teens to turn their creativity into cash. Handmade items can be sold online through your own store, on third-party markets like Amazon and eBay, on specialized sites like Etsy and Big Cartel, and on social media platforms. From jewelry to stuffed animals, there are endless possibilities when it comes to what you can sell online.

Blogging or Vlogging

person using MacBook Pro and holding cappuccino

Blogging and vlogging are excellent ways for teens to create an online community around something they already love. Writing or sharing videos on their own website can generate income through ads and affiliate links.

Social Media Management

Many companies are looking for a tech-savvy person to assist with online marketing through regular posting on social media platforms. Teens can help create captions, take photographs, curate online community groups, and monitor viral trends for the best marketing ideas.

As a social media manager, you will be responsible for creating and scheduling posts, managing social media accounts, and engaging with followers. Businesses, artists, and entrepreneurs are always looking for social media management experts to help them grow their online presence and build an online community around their brands.

Online freelance platforms like Upwork and Freelancer are great places to find social media management jobs.

Freelance Writing

Teenagers who love to write might find the start of a wonderful job or side hustle in freelance writing. Teens can write about a range of topics and start their own blog, or offer their writing services to companies looking for blog posts or other writing services.

Types of Freelance Writers

There are 3 types of freelance writers:

  1. Content Writers: These writers create articles, blog posts, eBooks, etc.
  2. Copywriters: These writers write sales letters, email campaigns, and other marketing materials.
  3. Technical Writers: These writers create user manuals, online help documentation, and other types of technical documentation.

How to Get Started

Teens can be their own bosses with just the click of a button. Sites like Fiverr and Upwork can help connect them with clients around the world willing to pay them per project, not per hour, for work like writing or designing. While this option does provide flexibility in scheduling, prices vary widely for jobs and skills.

Potential Earnings

The pay for freelance writers can vary greatly, depending on the type of writing, the experience of the writer, and the client. But as a general rule, you can expect to earn anywhere from $0.01 to $0.15 per word. Many websites can pay you to write, such as Problogger, iWriter, and Upwork.

Freelancing can help teenagers make money online and build their portfolios. It provides flexible hours, the potential to set your own rates and a market for just about any skill you can think of.

Tips for Success

  • Build a strong portfolio showcasing your best work.
  • Network with other writers and potential clients.
  • Always meet deadlines and maintain high-quality standards.
  • Continuously improve your writing skills through practice and feedback.

Freelance writing can be a stepping stone to financial freedom for teens who are passionate about writing and willing to put in the effort.

Graphic Design

All these logos, infographics, websites, and online ads you see need to be designed by someone. And that someone can be you! If you have a knack for design and can create stunning visuals, then you can make a great living as a graphic designer. You can find graphic design jobs on online freelancing platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.

Potential Earnings

Artsy teens with graphic design talents could make money designing images for businesses or people, from logos to holiday cards. Hourly rates for graphic designers vary but in Canada, the median hourly rate is about $28. Graphic Design can be a lucrative field, with some earning up to $3,000 per month.

Tools and Resources

Software like Canva can help you easily adapt pre-existing design templates and colour palettes and find ideas for products to offer. For large file sizes, you may also need a safe cloud storage and transfer system, like Dropbox or WeTransfer.

Getting Started

  1. Build a portfolio showcasing your best work.
  2. Sign up on freelancing platforms like Upwork or Freelancer.
  3. Start applying for jobs and building your client base.

If you have a passion for design and a bit of creativity, graphic design can be a rewarding way to earn money as a teen.

Online Surveys

grayscale photo of person using MacBook

Participating in online surveys is a popular way for teens to earn some extra money in their spare time. Many companies are willing to pay for your opinions on their products or services. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.

Popular Survey Sites

  • Swagbucks: Available to users 13 and up.
  • InboxDollars: Available to users 13 and up.
  • Branded Surveys: Available to users 13 and up.
  • LifePoints: Available to users 14 and up.
  • Toluna: Available to users 16 and up.
  • Survey Junkie: Available to users 16 and up.

Potential Earnings

Site Age Requirement Average Earnings per Survey
Swagbucks 13+ $1
InboxDollars 13+ $1
Branded Surveys 13+ $1
LifePoints 14+ $1
Toluna 16+ $1
Survey Junkie 16+ $1

Things to Watch Out For

While online surveys can be a good way to earn some extra cash, it’s important to be aware of potential downsides. Some users have reported privacy concerns and skimpy payouts. Always read the privacy policy of the survey site to understand how your data will be used.

Surveys are a great way to work from anywhere, but be mindful that many survey sites will pay you with gift cards or points rather than cash.

Selling Used Items Online

Selling used items online is a fantastic way for teens to earn extra money. It’s simple and accessible, and you can sell almost anything you no longer need or use. Here are some tips to get started:

Choose the Right Platform

  • Use eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace to list your item.
  • Be specific with the item’s name and description so it can easily be found.
  • Take plenty of pictures of the item from multiple angles.

Research and Pricing

  • Research the original price of your item, then see what others are listing their used items for before setting your price.
  • Be honest in your listings about the condition of the goods.

Safety Tips

  • Ask your parents or guardians to help you list your item or be present during an in-person transaction.
  • Be careful who you engage with online, and report inappropriate behavior to the website you’re using.

The better the pictures are in your listing, the more likely you are to make a lot of sales! Be honest in your listings about the condition of the goods, and ship the items freshly cleaned.

House Cleaning

House cleaning is a practical way for teens to earn money, especially since many busy parents appreciate help with household chores. If teens are serious about making money from house cleaning, they can reach out to a housecleaning business or professional for work as an assistant.

Common House Cleaning Tasks

  • Doing the laundry and ironing
  • Cleaning the bathroom
  • Taking out the trash
  • Vacuuming and mopping floors
  • Cleaning the windows

Setting Up an Allowance

Talk to your parents or guardians about setting up your allowance through an app like Famzoo, Homey, or OurHome to help you track your earnings and keep you accountable.

Additional Tips

  • Offer specialized services like deep cleaning carpets or cleaning gutters for extra income.
  • Consistency and reliability are key to building a good reputation.

Many teens find that house cleaning is not only a way to earn money but also a way to develop responsibility and time management skills.

Yard Work

Yard work can be a lucrative side job, especially in spring, summer, and fall as people are preparing garden beds, mowing lawns, and raking leaves. Ask locals, such as seniors, if they need a helping hand. Walk around with a rake and garden bags, or get creative and advertise services using posters, social media, or lawn signs. Figure out an hourly rate that works for you and consider supplies like lawn bags or garden tools in your budget.

Baking and Selling Goods

Baking can be a great way to bring in some extra dough, from one-off bake sales that don’t require committing to a full-blown baking business or selling your treats online or locally. Remember to price your baked goods so they cover your ingredient costs, consider your time and labour, and still allow you to make a profit.

Getting Started

  • Identify your specialty: cookies, cakes, bread, etc.
  • Gather necessary baking supplies and ingredients.
  • Test your recipes to ensure quality and consistency.

Pricing Your Goods

  • Calculate the cost of ingredients.
  • Factor in your time and labor.
  • Research local prices to stay competitive.

Selling Your Baked Goods

  • Set up a stand at local events or farmers’ markets.
  • Use social media to promote your products.
  • Consider selling online through platforms like Etsy.

Baking business could be your gateway to entrepreneurship. Start small, learn the ropes, and gradually expand your offerings.

Legal Considerations

  • Check local regulations for selling homemade food.
  • Obtain necessary permits if required.
  • Ensure proper labeling of ingredients and allergens.

Dog Walking

women and man talking outside the building

Dog walking is a fantastic way for teens to earn money, especially if they love animals. Many people live busy lives and may not be able to walk their dog as often as they’d like. Offering dog walking services can be a great help to these individuals.

How to Get Started

  1. Talk to your neighbors or friends to see if they need a dog walker.
  2. Make business cards to leave in mailboxes that state your name, phone number, and dog walking price.
  3. Try becoming a dog walker through apps like Rover or Wag! to find potential clients in your area.

Benefits of Dog Walking

  • Exercise: Walking dogs is a great way to stay active and healthy.
  • Flexible Hours: You can walk dogs before and/or after school.
  • Companionship: Spending time with dogs can be very rewarding and enjoyable.

Tips for Success

  • Be reliable and punctual.
  • Build a good rapport with the dogs and their owners.
  • Always carry water and waste bags.

If you’re an animal lover, dog walking can be a fulfilling and profitable way to spend your time.

Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is someone who provides administrative, secretarial, or creative assistance to clients remotely. This can be anything from managing someone’s email inbox and making appointments to booking travel plans. You can find virtual assistant jobs and earn money using platforms like Zirtual and Fancy Hands.

Gaming for Money

Gaming may be a great way to unwind, but it can also be a money-making endeavor. There are a few ways to earn cash with video games, including esports. If you’re a gamer, you could explore streaming on Twitch, where if you gain enough followers you can begin to monetize your gaming even if you’re under 18. You can also play mobile games on Mistplay to rack up rewards like visa and amazon gift cards, though you have to be 18 to participate. Swagbucks also has features where you can play games on their site to earn money.

Play Crypto Games

Another way to make money if you are a gamer is to play crypto games! Crypto games are simply online games that are built on the blockchain and use cryptocurrency as their in-game token. For example, if League of Legends was built on the blockchain, then BE could be their cryptocurrency and as you win games, you would earn BE. You can then sell your BE for real money! The blockchain gaming industry is still in its early stages, but it is growing rapidly and there are already many popular games that you can play, such as Axie Infinity and Thetan Arena.

Game Boosting

Game boosting is when you help other people progress in online games by playing games for them. This can be anything from helping someone level up their character or get them out of bronze.

Video Game Streaming

Video game streaming has become hugely popular in recent years. It’s a fun way to share a love of gaming and generate some income. Your teenager shouldn’t expect to earn huge amounts to start with, but as their platform on Facebook, YouTube or Twitch grows, so should their income.

Programming, Coding, and Building Games

Teens may have coding, programming, or gaming skills that could earn them money. They can build and sell apps, websites, and games. Otherwise, they can test or review sites, apps, and games, and receive compensation in return. This is a job option that can combine skills and hobbies to make profits.


Take and Sell Photos

If your teenager enjoys taking photos as a hobby, they can turn it into real cash by selling their photos online. There are several websites where they can upload their photos, and then people can download them, and your teen gets a cut of the sales value of the photo.

Sell Stock Photos Online

Put your photography skills to the test by selling your photos. Stock photos are royalty-free photos anyone can use, but the photos have to come from somewhere, so why not from you? Simply take some photos in your downtime. Then, edit them however you’d like and sell them to companies like Shutterstock, Dreamstime, Alamy, and iStock Photo.

Earn Money from Stock Photos

Marketers, bloggers, and businesses are always looking for high-quality stock photos and videos for their marketing campaigns, YouTube videos, social media posts, and websites. If you’re a talented photographer, you can make money online by selling your photos. Many websites allow you to upload and sell your photos, such as Shutterstock and iStock.

Selling stock photos doesn’t bring in a lot of cash (roughly $0.05 to $0.25 per photo), but it can be the perfect side hustle to give you extra spending money, especially if you’re hoping to grow as a photographer.


Programming is a fantastic way for teens to earn money, especially if they have a knack for coding or building games. They can build and sell apps, websites, and games. Otherwise, they can test or review sites, apps, and games, and receive compensation in return. This is a job option that can combine skills and hobbies to make profits.


Dropshipping is a type of eCommerce where you sell products that you don’t actually have in stock. It is relatively low risk and you can start with very little investment. All you need is to find good products and market them well, and you can easily make a few thousand dollars per month!

How Dropshipping Works

  1. Choose a niche or product category.
  2. Set up an online store using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.
  3. Find suppliers who will dropship products directly to your customers.
  4. List the products on your online store.
  5. Market your store to attract customers.
  6. When someone buys a product from your store, an automatic order will be sent directly to the supplier.
  7. The supplier will ship the product directly to the customer’s door.
  8. You will earn cash for each product that is sold!

Benefits of Dropshipping

  • Low startup costs
  • No need to manage inventory
  • Flexibility to work from anywhere
  • Wide range of products to choose from

Challenges of Dropshipping

  • Finding reliable suppliers
  • Managing customer service
  • Handling returns and refunds
  • High competition in popular niches

Dropshipping is a great way to make money because it is relatively low risk and you can start with very little investment.

Tips for Success in Dropshipping

  • Research and choose a profitable niche
  • Build a professional-looking online store
  • Invest in marketing and SEO
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Continuously analyze and optimize your business

Best Platforms for Dropshipping

Platform Features
Shopify User-friendly, many apps and themes
WooCommerce Flexible, integrates with WordPress
BigCommerce Scalable, built-in marketing tools
Printful Print-on-demand, easy integration
Oberlo Product sourcing, automated fulfillment


Dropshipping can be a lucrative business model for teens looking to earn money online. With the right approach and dedication, you can build a successful dropshipping store and achieve financial independence.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way for teens to earn money by promoting other people’s products and earning a commission for each conversion. It’s free to start, you can make passive income, and you work on your own schedule.

Participating in Focus Groups

Participating in focus groups is a great way for teens to earn extra money by providing their opinions and feedback on various products and services. Focus groups are an easy way to make extra money, and now you can do paid research studies online or over the phone.

How to Find Focus Groups

To find focus groups, you can start by checking online platforms that specialize in connecting participants with research studies. Websites like clinicaltrials.gov can help you find recruiting trials in your area. Additionally, you can ask your doctor, therapist, or a local university if any studies are happening in your area for your age group.

What to Expect

When participating in a focus group, you will typically be asked to share your opinions on a specific topic or product. The length and demands of the study can vary, so make sure to read all the conditions and requirements beforehand. Pay for each study will be different depending on these factors.

Important Considerations

Before signing up for a study, especially if it requires parental approval, make sure to talk to your parents or guardians. It’s also important to consider the potential drawbacks, such as the need to share personal information and the possibility of the work being mind-numbing.

Participating in focus groups can be a lucrative and flexible way for teens to earn money, but it’s essential to be aware of the requirements and potential drawbacks.

Retail Jobs

Retail jobs are a popular choice for teens looking to earn money. Per federal law, minors as young as 14 can work in retail occupations, such as cashiering, stocking, price marking, and selling. There is often a wide range of different retail positions available that a teen could take to make money. Retail jobs have a set schedule and tasks that can teach teens what it’s like to work for a business.

Restaurant Jobs

Working in a restaurant can be a fantastic way for teens to earn money. Restaurants can also be fun, fast-paced workplaces that have good jobs for teenagers. You might find work as a busser, food runner, server, host, or dishwasher. You’ll gain skills that will be transferable anywhere, and you may get tips and even get shift meals while you’re there too.

Types of Restaurant Jobs for Teens

  • Busser: Clears away the table after a party leaves.
  • Food Runner: Delivers food from the kitchen to the tables.
  • Server: Takes orders and serves food and drinks to customers.
  • Host/Hostess: Greets and seats customers.
  • Dishwasher: Cleans dishes and kitchen utensils.

Benefits of Working in a Restaurant

  • Skill Development: Gain skills that are transferable to other jobs.
  • Tips: Opportunity to earn extra money through tips.
  • Shift Meals: Some restaurants offer free or discounted meals during shifts.

How to Get a Restaurant Job

  1. Prepare a Resume: Highlight any previous work experience or relevant skills.
  2. Visit Local Restaurants: Bring your resume to a few local restaurants and see if they’re looking to hire any extra staff.
  3. Apply Online: Many restaurants have online applications. For example, there are 105 restaurant jobs for teens available in Los Angeles, CA on Indeed.com.
  4. Follow Up: After applying, follow up with a phone call or visit to show your interest.

Working in a restaurant is a great opportunity for teens to make a paycheck. Since restaurants are so plentiful, they’re a great place to start working for teens no matter where you live.

Looking to kickstart your career in the restaurant industry? Our comprehensive guide on restaurant jobs covers everything from entry-level positions to management roles. Discover the skills you need, the opportunities available, and how to excel in this dynamic field. Don’t miss out on your chance to thrive in the restaurant business. Visit our website for more details and expert advice!


In conclusion, there are numerous ways for teens to earn money, whether through traditional jobs, online opportunities, or entrepreneurial ventures. By exploring these options, teens can not only gain financial independence but also develop valuable skills such as time management, communication, and money management. Encouraging teens to find ways to earn money can also help them discover their interests and potential career paths, providing them with real-world experiences that will benefit them in the future. Whether it’s through babysitting, blogging, or selling items they no longer need, the key is to find a method that aligns with their interests and fits into their schedule. With the right approach, teens can successfully balance earning money with their academic and personal commitments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some traditional ways for teens to earn money?

Teens can make money with traditional jobs like babysitting, cutting lawns, washing cars, or working part-time in restaurants or retail.

How can teens make money online?

Teens can make money online through blogging, programming, social media management, selling handmade crafts, or participating in online surveys.

Are there age restrictions for teens working?

Yes, different federal rules apply to working minors depending on the teen’s age and if the job is agricultural or nonagricultural.

Can teens sell used items for money?

Yes, teens can sell things they no longer need for fast cash through garage sales, trade-ins, or online sites.

How can earning money benefit teens in the future?

Earning money can help teens build work ethic, communication skills, time management, and money management skills, which can benefit them in future employment opportunities and college applications.

What are some non-traditional ways for teens to earn money?

Non-traditional ways include baking and selling goods, dog walking, virtual assistant jobs, gaming for money, and participating in focus groups.